Transformed Lives: Roadtrips and Religion

M had come from a religious background, but was skeptical of his upbringing and distrusting of God. He worked on many shows with Amy, and they quickly became good friends.

During one audition weekend, they began to discuss their religious beliefs. Although they disagreed on many topics, M found Amy patient and open-minded. With her, it was surprisingly easy to dialogue about their differences. This conversation permanently opened the door to further discussion, and they still continue to discuss all sorts of questions about spirituality and God.

M’s skepticism has slowly developed into trust--he’s starting to view God as good, and is more open to spiritual practices like prayer. M has seen specific prayers answered. Now, emboldened by these experiences and navigating the uncertainties of an acting career, M is actively seeking spiritual truth and trusts Amy as a source of wisdom.

Transformed Lives: "Jesus on the CROSS!"

Transformed Lives: Teaching Truth through Stories