Transformed Lives: Creative Retreats

Transformed Lives: Creative Retreats

Every year, we take a group of Christian artists upstate for a weekend of worship, art-making theology, spiritual practices, and creative free time. Here’s what some of our artists have said!

"I can't stop talking about how great this retreat was! The Lord's nearness was so beautiful and the healing He brought into my life is one I will carry with me for a lifetime." -Alyssa

“I start to see myself differently, seeing through My Creator's eyes, God's intentional design. I see the beauty in every single one as the Creator's masterpiece carrying expressions so complex and unique. I am inspired to see the world and people with endless wonder and to create after the Creator.” -Minmin

"It was exactly what I needed! I was at a point where I was starting to lose meaning in my craft (song-writing). The retreat -- full of well thought-out activities, worship, and fellowship among fellow creatives in faith -- revealed to me a deeper purpose behind my art." -Kayana

“This retreat was packed full of wisdom and empowerment. I loved learning and reflecting on being made generative in Gods image and what that means for the way that I view others and see my place in the family of believers. Personally, I've been in a time of deep pain and loss and have felt blocked creatively. I was so grateful for the help offered in unblocking myself and pouring my heart out to the Father using my creativity.” -Abby

“This incredible retreat was a reminder to NEVER underestimate what can happen when God brings his creation together to create! What a blessing and gift it was to be in the room. Thank you!” -Clareese

“The retreat was such a blessing and truly a miracle. I loved that Danielle and Amy cultivated a safe space to create community for us and also to learn more about how we are made in God's image. The talks and activities brought us closer to God, each other, and our calling. We were encouraged to be vulnerable and articulate our work. The friendships that were made and deepened will be beyond a lifetime.” -Nina

“I felt hesitant to go since this retreat happened during a busy season in my life, but it was the quiet and the rest my soul needed. God encouraged me through it to block out all of the noise and listen only to him as I create.” -Callie

We are so grateful to participate in God’s love and renewal of artists and culture-makers!

Mystery and Myth in Beauty: The Role of the Christian Artist

Mystery and Myth in Beauty: The Role of the Christian Artist

David and the Valley of Artists

David and the Valley of Artists