Transformed Lives: God's Love in Depression

J had recently befriended someone who was wrestling with suicidal thoughts, P, and he called her often when he was in distress. She listened and loved P as best as she could, but she felt helpless knowing she couldn’t alleviate his pain. One summer, she took an intensive acting course where she met Amy. Through these hundreds of hours, she heard bits and pieces of Amy’s story, and soon discovered that Amy had experienced depression as well.

One day, P called J again, and the upsetting conversation left J in tears. She reached out to Amy for help. J opened up, sharing about how hopeless she felt and how badly she wanted to help P. Amy comforted her; she shared about how God had met her in her depression, loved her, and protected her life. She then invited J and P to come to church. Although J and P were unfamiliar with church, they agreed to tag along. They were amazed by how  inspiring the service was--they were open to going again, and were filled with hope knowing that there was a loving God.

Transformed Lives: "You're Speaking to My Heart"

Intersketchin'! (Intercession + sketching) (I am lame, I know)