Transformed Lives: Praying with Classmates

S had plenty on her plate, and most people who saw her believed her when she said she was “Fine.” But the truth was, S was caught in the middle of serious family difficulties. She tried to focus on her future, working hard and taking an acting class with Amy, but as time wore on and circumstances worsened, S felt more and more helpless. When she ran early to class one week. S sat down in the bathroom, and suddenly, it all caught up with her. She began to cry.

Suddenly, she was no longer alone; Amy and another friend had found her. They sat down and S felt it all pouring out. After listening, they prayed for her. S felt deeply comforted. She decided to join Amy’s weekly prayer group. S started to look to God for help, and said these meetings strengthened her faith in him.

Chasing sunsets

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