Transformed Lives: Teaching Truth through Stories

H had been forced into a strange land and new language, forced into tutoring with Danielle… She hated it. Danielle prayerfully chose stories about loneliness or change, hoping to help H open up; finally, they read a story about fear. H sat up, eyes wide, & asked: “Like ghosts?” She said every night, scary figures in her room made her cry.

Danielle shared that she believed there was a powerful king who made and ruled everything named Jesus. “If you ask for his help, you can say, ‘Because of Jesus, you have to leave,’ and any scary ghosts HAVE to obey. They can’t ignore Jesus since he’s King,” Danielle said.

The next week, H bounded in boasting that Jesus had helped her! In fact, not only had the ghosts left, but: “Mom always works late, but when I asked Jesus, she came back before dinner!” After that, H blossomed, making friends and writing her own stories about beating back bad guys. Not only had stories helped her open up and find something true, but she wanted to share that true thing in stories.

Transformed Lives: Roadtrips and Religion