Gratitude Photo Scavenger Hunt

Gratitude Photo Scavenger Hunt

Happy Thanksgiving! This is a fun way to share what you're grateful for with loved ones today. You can set a timer and see how many each of you can get, or take all morning to get out of the chef’s hair, or just use this as an excuse to move around a little while you're digesting!

I thought this would work better in photos, but a lot of the items could be shared aloud or gathered and brought to the table.

Hope this leaves you feeling full ;)

Find [and photograph]:

  1. A treasured gift you were surprised to receive

  2. Something that makes you laugh

  3. Something you love to eat

  4. Something you love to listen to

  5. Something you're thankful for in nature

  6. Something or somewhere that brings you peace

  7. Somewhere you like to go for fun

  8. Something you enjoy looking at regularly

  9. Something your younger self wanted that you now have

  10. Something beautiful you haven't noticed before

  11. A gift multiple loved ones had to cooperate on or chip in for

  12. Something you did/can do because you practiced

  13. Something that reminds you of a happy memory

  14. Something useful to you every day

  15. Something that's your favorite color

  16. Something you're thankful for that someone else made

  17. Something you're thankful you can do

  18. Something you love to smell

  19. An achievement that you celebrated 

  20. Something else you want to include because you're grateful for it right now!

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