Questions for self-discovery

Recently, Matt Guilford, a member of our ministry board sent us a postcard where he’d written out these questions. Matt Guilford has worked in arts ministry for decades and has conversations around these themes frequently; I hope they can prompt some reflection and bless and encourage others the way they did for us!

Questions for Self-Discovery

1. What do I want most of all?
2. What occupies my thoughts?
3. What do I spend my resources on
4. How do I spend my leisure time?
5. Whose company do I enjoy?
6. Who/what do I most admire?
7. What do I laugh at?
8. What makes me angry?
9. What truly breaks my heart.

Underneath, he wrote in all caps: MY ANSWERS REVEAL WHO I REALLY AM.

I’ve said it before in several different platforms, and I want to reiterate it now; there is little I respect and admire so much as conscious examination of one’s life. Most people rush through life, hoping a little, striving a lot, and swallowing questions that threaten to encroach on our few quiet moments. But an examined life is markedly different — disciplined, deeper.

It’s been said again and again this year that this pandemic is a chance to slow down, to discern what really matters to us, but I haven’t seen a lot of people figuring out how to do that. After the demands of this year, especially, it sounds exhausting! It’s overwhelming!

I hope this list can help you to begin.

As an additional resource: this month, we’ll be hosting a special time of reflection, of getting in touch with one’s feelings as a gateway to practice gratitude. On November 20, I’ll be hosting a workshop on Gratitude Mapping, which combines a couple of art therapy techniques. We’d love for you to join us.

A Picture of Dependency

Undivided Bodies and Souls