Confessions before a Master Playwright

I confess that I have tried to be the playwright of my own story.

I dream up scenes that follow and create expectations of what happens next because I think I know best. I think I know the motifs and the symbols and the metaphors and the rhythms and the arc and the narrative. I think I know best.

In truth, I am no magnificent storyteller.

At least, in comparison to You.

You. You set the precedence of all stories. You set the tone of rising action and crisis and climax and falling action and resolution. You set the precedence to all hero stories. You set the precedence to all love stories. The moment the superhero sacrifices himself for the good of the world, and miraculously escapes death. The moment that a beauty’s love transforms the heart of a beast. The precedence was set by you when you, the lofty king of all heaven and earth, stepped into the darkest and lowliest of places to save and love your self-destructing enemies.

My perspective is limited. I write stories from what I hear, taste, see, smell, touch. I write stories from my experiences and observations. I write stories to navigate my rocky past. I make something out of something.

You, however, are not so limited. Your perspective is infinite. You are not confined to a past or present or future. You are not confined to an individual life experience. You are not confined to five senses that can only process immediate surroundings. You were the original creator. You are the one who makes something out of nothing.

Who am I to say I know best the narrative for myself? Who am I to say that I know how my story should be written?

I am scared.

But why should I be? Your pen knows every word, every line, every moment, every image that it will mark into existence.

You are self-existent, I am not. You are the one writing my story, I am not.

Surely I can trust the story you are writing for me. Surely I can depend on your measureless understanding and your infinite creativity and your limitless goodness. Surely you are the master playwright, the only one I can trust with my heart and my story, the only one worthy of my breathless worship.

All I am is yours, and you are mine.

Throwback: Beginning to understand art and faith

Wishing and praying