Why Motherland?

Why Motherland?

If you’ve been following our social media, you’ll notice that we’ve been working on a Zoom play for the past month! As a two person team, we’ve done all of the directing, designing, marketing, and video-editing to produce Motherland as part of of WTFringe 2021 and the 2021 Women's Theatre Festival.

Now, you may be wondering, why does our ministry make art?

Part of our mission statement is "creating transcendent work." All kinds of creativity and artistry are affirmed by God throughout the Bible, from temple tapestries to whole books of poems! In fact, Jesus loved storytelling! He spoke in parables instead of giving straight answers.

We too, seek to tell stories the way He did – which means writing real, relatable stories with intentionality. In Motherland, that intentionality has us exploring the beauty and struggles of our Zoom culture as a metaphor for the beauty and struggles of some families we know.

See, storytelling can uniquely humanize people and serve as a bridge across cultures. And right now, Motherland is especially important because the AAPI community has been hurting. Often viewed as “perpetual foreigners”, AAPI families we know and love struggle now to be seen and valued for who they are. We hope that Motherland honors their stories.

We've seen this in action. Previous scripts have been used by Asian-American churches in youth groups, and previous readings have sparked cross-cultural discussion and exposed our friends to family dynamics and values they knew nothing about.

We have an amazing cast. We have a script we're proud of. We have a community behind us.

We hope you'll join us this month!

Performances are July 16, 17, and 24th.

Tickets are pay what you can with a suggested donation of $10

You can purchase them here: tinyurl.com/motherland21

Soul-Mapping Guidelines

Soul-Mapping Guidelines

Psalms: The role of Poetry in the Bible

Psalms: The role of Poetry in the Bible